Thursday, October 10, 2019

Cardava Turon

1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARYIf you happen to visit one of your favorite malls here in the town most especially their supermarkets such as SM Hypermarket, Robinson’s Supermarket and Metro Supermarket, you can notice that they are all selling â€Å"turon†, which they started selling a year or a couple of years ago. Turon an all-time favorite Filipino merienda is starting to boom as a profitable business nowadays as not just the local mall supermarket are into the business of selling â€Å"turon† but to almost every canteen in a university. Let’s not go far by looking at Holy Angel University where almost every canteen is selling all-time favorite turon. That is why; we had come up to present â€Å"Cardava Turon† as our original product for the YEntrepMan Business Plan.â€Å"Cardava Turon† came from the word â€Å"Cardava Banana† which means â€Å"Saba Banana† in the Philippines.Cardava Turon was made possible because of the booming  "turon† business. We’ve thought that selling â€Å"turon† could be a better idea to produce a product that is known and saleable. But because of our innovative mind and ideas, we had thought of ways on how to introduce our product more differently and more uniquely. We will not just produce the common type of turon rather we will produce the future best-selling merienda in town, which every individual will crave and that is Cardava Turon.Cardava Turon is basically turon inspired product but with an exciting twist. As we all know that one of the best businesses to venture into nowadays when it comes to food are the siomai carts. Almost everywhere in the city you can see and buy siomai. Thus, we incorporated the well-known siomai to our product by producing our Cardava Turon in siomai style. Cardava Turon is a turon that looks like a fried siomai. In this case we would have our target market to be thrilled and puzzled by looking the appearance of our Cardava Turon. Fried siomai turon Let’s try it!We’re not done yet! We had not just uniquely and creatively modify the turon into siomai style we had also improved the taste and flavor of our turon,  Cardava Turon Original Flavors.We had come up with three different delicious tastes:1.Banana Classic (Langka) Turon – inspired by our classic turon with langka or jackfruit inside. Let the classic taste of turon give you a different kind of experience by having it in siomai style (bite size) turon. 2.Banana Peanut Turon – Original concept, our delicious siomai style turon with grounded peanut inside that will add kick in every bite. Let the bits of peanut thrilled you as it gives you a different taste from the ordinary turon. 3.Cardava Turon Overload – Another original concept, these Cardava Turon with grounded peanuts, marshmallow, and the classic langka inside will definitely give you the taste that you will really enjoy and crave the moment you taste and try it. All three flavors will definitely give you an experience of eating turon more differently and more deliciously. Cardava Turon is certified DHA. Delicious, Healthy and Affordable. Indulge in every bite! Cardava Turon was styled as siomai not only because we want to attract our markets as siomai does, neither give our customer a twist of something different but because convenience is also our business. We want to give our Cardava Turon lover the convenience that they do not get from the ordinary turon. For the standard size of a turon was 5 to 7 inches that might cause inconvenience to some when eating, thus, we developed our Cardava Turon to be in siomai style so that it would become bite in sizes.This would give a lot of convenience to our market most especially those individual who can’t even consume the standard sized turon. Cardava Turon prices are 15php for four pieces and 30phpfor eight pieces comes in an eco-friendly box. It was price low because our pricing objective i s to penetrate the market as our product is the first of its kind. Extensive marketing strategies are to be expected for the company to gain recognition and familiarity.CARDAVA TURON . . . ANG SARAP! CERTIFIED DHA, DELICIOUS, HEALTHY and AFFORDABLE!INNOVATIVENESS, CONVENIENCE, GREEN MARKETING and FOR YOUR GOOD IS OUR BUSINESS.â€Å"Panlasa’y mananarap sa Cardava Turon!†2. MISSION STATEMENTâ€Å"Healthy Living, Healthy Eating† â€Å"Cardava Turon ang sarap! Panlasa’y siguradong mananarap!† Certified DHA, Delicious, Healthy and AffordableOur tagline which stated above says it all with regards to our mission statement, and that is to bring delightful taste to our consumers by providing them our very delicious delicacy—Cardava Turon. Also as our product is certified DHA, that is delicious, healthy and affordable which makes it even more appealing and attractive to the community. We will not just cater those who are looking for delicious merienda but we will also take into consideration those who are health and price conscious. Thus, our mission is not only to earn profit rather our main mission statement is to bring health and wellness to every individual which will not have to suffer on paying very high prices, enjoying delicious taste that are good for their health.VISION STATEMENTâ€Å"To be the leading and consistently number one on providing delicious, healthy and affordable delicacy—Cardava Turon.†We are envisioning our company to be the leading and consistently number one which provide certified delicious, healthy and affordable delicacy to wherever area we could reach for. This is in line with our statement of bringing health and wellness to all of our consumers. Because we believe that a healthy living is for everybody not just for the fortunate one. Thus, it is our commitment to provide deliciously healthy and affordable Cardava Turon.We will be directed to our company vision to be the leading and n umber one  provider of delightful delicacy.CARDAVA TURON NUTRITIONAL FACTSThere have been different kinds of banana which are known to be rich in potassium and other nutrients. But according to the Doctors of Ministry in Alternative Medicines or DMAM, Cardava (Saba) banana has the highest nutrients present. †¢Cardava has the highest content of nutrients because it has the deepest roots among other banana plants, of which can absorb more nutrients from the soil. †¢Because bananas are rich in potassium, they help the body’s circulatory system deliver oxygen to the brain. †¢Maintains a regular heartbeat and a proper balance of water in the body. †¢Helpful for reducing strokes and regulating blood pressure because of the way it promotes circulatory health.†¢Their abundance of vitamins and minerals, are a great source of natural energy. †¢Bananas are also ideal for eating during that midday lull when you feel tired and sluggish. Instead of drinking caffeine or having a sugary snack, bananas provide a level of energy that lasts longer without the dramatic crash caused by caffeine. †¢Help stop constipation because bananas have a certain type of fiber that helps to restore and maintain regular bowel functions. Bananas are a natural source for lessening the effects of constipation without causing other bowel problems such as diarrhea.†¢The natural ingredients in bananas and their ability to replenish the body’s vitamins make them an ideal way to reduce the effects of a hangover. †¢Bananas can help people who are trying to quit smoking. The B vitamins and other minerals that they contain reduce the physical and psychological effects of nicotine withdrawal. †¢Vitamin B6 can also minimize menstrual pains and regulates over all moods of women. †¢Because of their calming properties, pregnant women often eat bananas to combat their morning sickness. †¢Also help to replenish the body and restore a hea lthy blood glucose level. †¢Help regulate a pregnant woman’s temperature.†¢As a way to prevent and treat ulcers, bananas help reduce the acidity that some foods can leave in the stomach. †¢Help reduce the irritation of the digestive system by leaving a protective coating around the inner walls, making it a natural way to promote intestinal health as well. †¢They are  also a great way to get rid of heartburn. They act as a natural antacid and they quickly soothe the burn.Instead of eating an apple each day for optimum health, the adage should state that a â€Å"banana each day keeps the doctor away†. The banana health benefits far outweigh those of the apple because it has many more vitamins and nutrients than their round counterparts.3. BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT 3.1 National TrendsBasically the only national trend that can hinder the growth of Cardava Turon in the market is when the cardava (saba) banana supplies will be scarce for it is the main ingre dients to our product—Cardava Turon. There are some issues nowadays that talks about the becoming scarce of the said banana but still there are none facts that can prove the latter issue. Thus, Cardava Turon business is in good position and will expect continuous supply of raw resources. The launching of Cardava Turon could be a good indication to our economy and even internationally for we will cater products that are originally from the Philippines. Cardava Turon would strengthen the local banana economy rather than those that are being exported to the other countries. Thus, it will just show how the Philippines can be competitive and can be known worldwide.3.2 Industry AnalysisThe local banana industry at this present day is not as active as before because of the growing export business, though there are still businesses of banana industry such those farmers, wholesalers and retailers. With regards to merienda business specifically those who sells turon, there are a lot of small competition for we can see even at the street corner of Angeles City there are those who sell turon but because Cardava Turon is not just an ordinary turon which is definitely the first of its kind, we can say that we are not deeply affected of those vendors of turon.3.3 Market AnalysisSpecifically there are no markets for siomai style turon with delicious variances here in Angeles City and maybe the whole of the Philippines. However â€Å"turon† is being patronized here in the community, thus, those will be considered as the new market for Cardava Turon. There are still markets for turon that we could cater with.3.4 Competitor AnalysisCardava Turon will have to face and consider a lot of competition for it is not the only turon business in town, most especially even SM malls and Ayala Malls’ food courts are selling their own class of turon. But Cardava Turon is not just an ordinary turon; it is a turon with a lot of exciting twist. It is the first of its kind a nd none in the whole of Angeles City area are selling such turon with different flavors and in siomai style. Thus, Cardava Turon competition will be minimal.4. MARKETING PLAN4.1 SWOT ANALYSISThe table below shows the SWOT analysis of the resources and the environmental factors for Cardava Turon ®. Major SWOT analyses are provided for the company as well. Resource Analysis:ResourcesStrengthsWeaknessesMoneyCardava Turon products are low cost. Thus, low capital investment. MaterialsCardava Turon has a number of contacts that can supply the raw materials. MachinesNo equipment for making the Cardava Turon more efficiently. MethodsNumerous ways and methods for producing Cardava Turon are available. ManpowerInexperienced from selling to the company members. ManagementInsufficient management skills for the company members. Moment (Time)Any launching day for the Cardava Turon is perfect for it is a unique delicacy. And the company members are dedicated to work fulltime and effectively.Iden tifying Opportunities and Threats in the Environment:Factors in the EnvironmentOpportunitiesThreatsSocio-culturalPeople have the habit of having their daily merienda Technology and TechnicalNew technology and equipments could make the production process efficiently and effectively. EconomicThe purchasing power of the community has lowered because of the increasing price of some  necessities such oil, thus, an advantage for the increase in demand of Cardava Turon for it is priced affordably. NaturalScarcity of cardava banana can hinder the growth of Cardava Turon. PoliticalElection is fast approaching.Hence, a good indicator to promote Cardava Turon as their merienda when campaigning. Peace and OrderIn general, there is peace and order in the place of business. (HAU / Angeles City) Population TrendsThe population is increasing. More people mean more buyers who would want Cardava Turon. Government ProgramMicro-Small-Medium Enterprise program are being provided by the government. Car dava Turon may be able to avail of the assistance in the form of financing, technical and marketing. Global EnvironmentExporting Cardava Turon process could be lucrative venture.CARDAVA TURON SWOT ANALYSIS†¢Strength – Uniqueness, as we introduce our all-time favorite turon in deliciously different way. †¢Weakness – Familiarity, Cardava Turon an original and the first ever product of its own needed a lot of effort to gain recognition to the community. †¢Opportunities – Innovative Leadership, pioneering the innovative modification of turon. †¢Threats – Patent, as BW is the first in the market.4.2 OBJECTIVESCardava Turons’ strategic marketing and financial objectives will be used as direction for the growth of the company.4.2.1 Marketing Objective:†¢Positioned Cardava Turon to all of Angeles City community. †¢Achieved familiarity of Cardava Turons’ products and service. †¢Maintained strategic marketing effort for Cardava Turon as it is new in the market.4.2.2 Financial Objective:†¢Reached the targeted quota and sales daily, monthly and annually. †¢100% return on investment. †¢30% to 40% net profit. †¢Zero negative net profit.4.3 COMPETITIVE EDGE†¢Location is critical to success. Our store needs to be on Main Street or just off Main Street so we can take advantage of walk-by and drive-by traffic. We also need adequate parking to make shopping at our store convenient for drivers. And we will target to have concessions to the well-known canteen of HAU. †¢Convenience. Angeles City / HAU residents and visitors are willing to pay a little bit more for good food and the convenience. Our customers will purchase our food because it is authentic and delicious. †¢High quality. Focusing on high quality Cardava Turon will draw customers from the competition, as well as create a local market that has not existed before in Angeles City. If the prices are reasonable an d the food is good, we will have growth through repeat business.4.4 TARGET MARKET ANALYSIS SUMMARYOur main target markets are:†¢People who live and work in Angeles City / Holy Angel University, who are looking for quality merienda. †¢Surrounding businesses looking for a tasty merienda for their customers and staff. †¢International and domestic travelers visiting Angeels City / Holy Angel University. †¢Families looking for quality, affordable, home cooked merienda to take home and prepare for their families with ease. †¢People looking for a comfortable environment in which to enjoy their spare time eating our delicious Cardava Turon. †¢People looking for high quality, unique merienda.Each market segment consists of people who either live, work, or vacation in the Angeles City / Holy Angel University area. Each market will be seeking a store canteen that will meet their desire for authentic, healthy food, quality service, and a pleasant atmosphere.4.5 MAR KET SEGMENTATIONCardava Turon target market profile is segmented using different segmentation strategy.4.5.1 Geographic SegmentationThe main geographic target area for Cardava Turon is the whole of Angeles City and the nearby towns and cities.4.5.2Income / Occupation SegmentationBecause Cardava Turon are certified affordable we are segmenting our markets with middle to low income, though because of the quality product that we are offering even those who are high income earners will definitely patronize our products and services.4.5.3 Age Segmentation Cardava Turon is for all ages for as long as they will purchase the product. Our products are intended to those six years of age and above.4.5.4 Sex SegmentationCardava Turon is definitely not gender discriminatory. Everyone can taste and enjoy our deliciously healthy and affordable product.4.6 POSITIONINGWe intend to position our business not just as a manufacturer and distributor of products, but a partner bringing a high level custom er satisfaction and high level of service to the stores that we enter into business with. We will work with stores through delivering high quality products to significantly increase the sales and profitability of their food business. By doing this we expect to develop a strong loyalty among our customers.4.7 MARKETING MIX 4.7.1ProductCardava Turon main offering is the Cardava Turon itself, a fried siomai style turon that comes in three different delicious flavors: oBanana Classic (Langka) Turon – inspired by our classic turon with langka or jackfruit inside. Let the classic taste of turon give you a different kind of experience by having it in siomai style (bite size) turon. oBanana Peanut Turon – Original concept, our delicious siomai style turon with grounded peanut inside that will add kick in every bite. Let the bits of peanut thrilled you as it gives you a different taste from the ordinary turon. oCardava Turon Overload – Another original concept, these Car dava Turon with grounded peanuts, marshmallow, and the classic langka inside will definitely give you the taste that you will really enjoy and crave the moment you taste and try it. Our main ingredients Cardava Turon products are cardava banana, siomai Turonper, brown sugar, cooking oil (for deep frying), jack fruit, peanut, and marshmallow. All ingredients are of high quality and certified healthy or of good nutritional facts.4.7.2PromotionBecause Cardava Turon is the first of its kind extensive promotional effort will be done to gain recognition and familiarity to the whole of Angeles City.†¢Advertising Highly appealing and attractive tarpaulins, posters and flyers will be strategically positions to those high traffic volume areas in the vicinity of Angeles. We will also invade online advertising wherein we will advertise Cardava Turon to some of the well-known networking sites as of at present day. Newspaper, television and radio commercial will also take into consideration. We will have a small advertising budget, devoted exclusively to trade publications designed to reach buyers and owners of upscale independent food stores. The objective of our trade advertising will be too limited to reinforcing the image of our company and the exciting taste of our products. All ads will be four-color and between 1/4 and 1/8 page in size. Each ad will prominently feature our logo and a bright, colorful, mouthwatering changing display of Cardava Turon products. We will also work with our retailers to obtain co-op advertising funds for their own local advertising.†¢Sales Promotion Initially we will do free tasting for the first two days of Cardava Turon launching; this is to let all the Angeleneos experience the delightful taste and flavors of Cardava Turon.†¢Personal Selling Highly qualified salesperson that provides superior customer service will be our front liners to provide our buyers experience that they would want to experience again and again, thus, establishing customer loyalty. Our primary sales method is face-to-face selling by our friendly salesperson.†¢Point of Purchase / Product Display Just the smell of our product prospective buyers will definitely get curious and crave for our Cardava Turon. We will see to it that our product will be cooked amazingly delicious and presented mouth-watering.†¢Publicity Because our entire products at Cardava Turon are certified deliciously healthy and affordable, thus, our campaign of â€Å"Healthy Living, Healthy Eating† would be our most effective way to publicized Cardava Turon. We will send news releases to trade magazines to try to get product or company feature coverage in front of the eyes of buyers and retailers. We will also issue a few generic press releases about Cardava Turon that our retailers can use to try to obtain publicity coverage for their stores in local publications. Lastly, we shall have a quarterly newsletter for retailers that we are currently se rving or hope to be serving. We anticipate sending 1,000 copies of the news release out our first year and gradually increasing to 2,000 copies by our third year. In the newsletter we will highlight not just our products, but also display ideas and success stories of stores who increased their Cardava Turon sales.†¢Trade Shows We will have a small booth or table top display at national conventions each year, including the SMX convention Center at the SM Mall of Asia. We will emphasize not just our certified deliciously healthy and affordable products but the superior customer/retailer satisfaction that we are providing. We will also provide limited funds for display space for our salesperson at regional trade shows that they attend. Typically we will pay for one table top display.4.7.3Place / Channel of Distribution Cardava Turon is a manufacturing firm which will serve as direct seller and retailer. Our main place of distribution would be the whole of Angeles City. We will str ategically position our stalls/kiosk to places of high traffic volume. We will also partner to some of the famous restaurants for our Cardava Turon to be their featured dessert of the week; concession to some of the well-known mall food courts and even partner with some of the university canteen here in Angeles.4.7.4Pricing Rigorous pricing strategies for Cardava Turon’s product were to be expected. All products will be priced in accordance with our buyers’ purchasing power not compromising the quality of our products. Having been priced to what the buyers’ could avail; Cardava Turon will definitely have a share of market.†¢Pricing Objective and Method Used Because Cardava Turon is new and first of its kind, our number one objective for pricing is to penetrate the market by pricing our products at low price. In which it could lead to the increase of market share and familiarity of Cardava Turon. Taking into account the pricing objective, demand determining, cost estimation and competitors’ costs, prices and offers analysis Cardava Turon will be using a combination of methods. Value pricing will be weighted more. 4.8 CONTROLSCardava Turons’ Marketing Plan purpose is to serve as a guide for the organization. The following areas will be monitored to gauge performance: †¢Availability of supplies †¢Expenses †¢Superior Customer Satisfaction †¢Revenue / ProfitSTRATEGY and IMPLEMENTATION SUMMARY Our strategy will exploit our advantages over the competition (location, convenience, and high quality) with carefully-tracked milestones for growth.MARKETING STRATEGY Our main marketing strategy would be the most effective and no cost at all strategy, that is the use of the word of mouth, for Cardava Turon is considered the best new exciting delicious merienda in town, making the word of mouth more effective. We will also advertise our product to some of the most famous social sites on the net which are Facebook, twi tter and the like.SALES STRATEGY Cardava Turon's Market most important sales strategy is developing an environment in which customers will return time-after-time because our market provides knowledgeable, friendly staff, quality products, and a comfortable atmosphere that fills their needs. When customers visit our store / retailers, they will know they are entering a clean facility with the best service in the industry. Our pricing strategy will focus on providing high quality products, and services at a fair priceSTRATEGIC ALLIANCES Cardava Turon's Market will work to form strategic alliances with local businesses, including: campus canteens, local mall food courts, and restaurants. We will also form relationships with local produce growers and artists to customize the food items we sell and enhance our presence in the community.MARKETING Initial marketing efforts for opening will be geared towards generating name recognition and making a clear distinction between Cardava Turon's and other local competitors. Follow-up marketing programs will encourage repeat visits and assist customers in the understanding, appreciation, and preparation of our products.SALES and PRICING We will gear prices towards our competitors in the nearest cities and online, with a small â€Å"convenience† increase for offering them locally. This will offset our distribution costs. Our emphasis on consistently good service, from special orders, will make new customers repeat customers. We mean business as we introduce Cardava Turon to the market but we don’t just want to be profitable we also wanted to have a share on our market. This is why we will penetrate the market by pricing our product very affordable. †¢15php – 4pcs of Cardava Turon†¢30php – 8pcs of Cardava Turon in an eco-friendly take home box.ALLIANCES and DISTRIBUTION †¢Cardava Turon's Market will aggressively pursue relations with local mall’s food courts, restaurants (featu red dessert of the week), and local school canteens (most specifically HAU canteen’s). †¢Our specific target for the distribution of our product is having a partnership not later at the end of this school year to some of the most well-known canteen here in the campus (HAU). We will partner to those canteen in order for our product to gain recognition from the community of HAU. †¢And as the coming year approaches we will extend our effort to partner with the local mall food courts, thus, we will introduce Cardava Turon to all of Angeles City. †¢After having partner to some of the local canteens and food courts we will established our own food cart or kiosk for Cardava Turon products in this way we can more concentrate on selling our products.SALES FORECAST The following assumptions illustrate our conservative sales forecast. Assumptions: The average item sold in the market will cost 15php/single order. †¢Php15.00/average sale x 100 people/day x # of days in a week x # of campus canteen partner (slow season). †¢Php22.50/average sale x 200 people/day x # of days in a week x # of campus canteen partner (busy season).KEYS TO SUCCESS The keys to success for Cardava Turon's Market include: †¢Reputation: Every customer visiting our store will want to return and will recommend us to their friends and family. Word of mouth marketing will be a powerful ally for our business. †¢Superior Customer Service: Knowledgeable, friendly service will be of the utmost importance. †¢Location: Provide an easily accessible location for customer convenience. †¢Product/Environment: Offer a variety of high quality foods, sold at a fair price in a clean, authentic, comfortable environment. †¢Convenience: Our customers will experience the convenience in eating our product that they had never been experienced before.5. MANAGEMENT TEAM and ORGANIZATION PLAN 5.1 Management Team The Company will be managed by the ten founding partners, wh ose individual area of expertise covers many of the functional aspects of the business. Jose Carlo Dizon will serve as the President of the Company, and will be responsible for Product Selection and Sales & Marketing. Nikki S. Barrientos will be the Vice President, in charge of Administration. She will be responsible for customer service, accounting, shipping and the general administration of the business. Mary Jane Narciso will be the Chief Operating Officer, and will be responsible for maintaining close relationship with all our retailers/concessionaires. Kresta-An Tanhueco and Jeiel Feliciano will serve as the area managers that are responsible for monitoring operations of all stalls/kiosk of Cardava Turon. Aldrian Soriano and Mark Cunanan will be the head of Research and Development Department which are accountable for producing new ideas and variances for the growth of all Cardava Turon products. Kevin Colinares as the Public Relations Officer will be in charge for the publicit y and good relations of the company to the whole of Angeles City community. Nikki S. Barrientos will be in charge with Banana Wrap logistics, inventory and suppliers relations. Lastly, to be responsible for all employee related issues will be Jose Carlo Dizon as the HR Manager.All founders are dedicated of doing their job effectively and efficiently which will bring Cardava Turon to its overwhelming success.5.2 Organizational Chart5.3 Key Personnel Every stall of Cardava Turon will be staffed by our dedicated and skillful front liner which includes the kiosk/stall supervisor who will be in charge of the overall operations of the kiosk. Together with the stall supervisor are the two all-around salespersons who will perform cashiering which includes order taking and assembling, cooking all ordered products, and maintaining inventory and cleanliness through-out the entire operations.Qualifications Required: †¢Stall Supervisor – Graduate of any four-year business management related courses or high school graduate with a minimum of two years work experience as a food stall/kiosk supervisor. †¢Sales Associate – this includes being the cashier, cooked, stock custodian and the salesperson. All associate would be at least college level with basic knowledge in accounting, cooking, inventory, and in sales. High school graduate will be considered with a minimum one year work related experiences.All stall supervisors upon the start of their work at Cardava Turon are qualified for any other promotions depending on the availability of the vacant position and their performance as a whole. Same as to all Sales Associate, with which are also qualified for any promotion depending on their performances.6. PRODUCTION and OPERATIONS PLAN 6.1 Production Process The production process for producing our product Cardava Turon will include the preparation of all raw materials/ingredients such the peeling of cardava banana and cutting it into cubes, preparing siom ai Turonper as the Turonper of the said product, pre-heating of deep fryer for cooking high quality Cardava Turon. All extra condiments and ingredients will be prepared as well, the sugar (brown) to be used, grounded peanut for Banana Peanut Turon, the langka for the Banana Classic Turon, and the marshmallow for the Banana overload.Step by step processes are as follows: 1.Peeling and dicing into cubes of cardava banana. 2.Turon using siomai Turonper and putting the flavors such grounded peanuts and the classic langka. 3.Rolling the Turonped product into the brown sugar. 4.Deep frying until the product becomes golden brown. (10-20 seconds) 5.Cooling and filtering of excess oil. 6.Package depending on the customer orders. (4pcs. or 8pcs.)6.2 Product/Service DeliveryIn order to deliver high quality, personalized service we will carefully select all employees–especially stall supervisor and sales associate who will deal directly with customers. Jose Carlo is currently interviewin g candidates for sales associate. We will carefully review references from past employers or manufacturers and from retailers whom these sales associate have served. We will also make sure that each employee understands our way of delivering quality product/service to each customer. We will have immediate back-up support available by phone from our office for more difficult product/service issues. And we will give employees enough latitude so that they can respond immediately to almost all customer requests or complaints.6.3 Customer ServiceWe intend to prioritize customer service and make it a key component of our marketing programs. We believe that providing our customers with what they want, when and how they want it, is the key to repeat business and to word-of-mouth advertising. Not only will we train our employees to deliver excellent service, we will give them the flexibility to respond creatively to client requests. In addition, we will continually monitor our clients' level of satisfaction with our service and products through surveys and other convenient feedback opportunities. Initially we expect to have few enough accounts so that Mary Jane and Kevin can handle all customer/retailer service issues.As our business grows we intend to hire additional customer service people one at a time and pay a premium over market labor rates to attract and retain quality help. Shipping problems are a huge issue with the firms that we compete with largely because they insist on using surface shipping methods to keep their costs down to charge low prices to keep their mass merchant accounts happy. We intend to use air freight to export our products to the neighbor countries. This will add to our costs. But because we want to penetrate the international market it makes more sense for us. It  will also allow us to have much thinner inventories in our warehouse without risking stocking out.6.4 FacilitiesWe plan to lease small office space for the mean time as Cardava Turon is still starting. The said office space will be used by the ten co-founders as they work together for the fast growth of Cardava Turon. The office space building is located in a busy industrial neighborhood, but because we do not intend to have customers visit us we have decided to lease a lower-rent location. For our stalls/kiosks they should be located in a high traffic volume area which could generate prospective buyers for all the products. We will utilize the spaces for all the stalls that could hold enough supplies for a week operations. Ten to twenty square meters would be the ideal stall/kiosk size.6.5 EquipmentsWe will need five computer sets initially to be used at the main office. Minimal office supplies will do for the company is still starting. Five telephone lines are also needed to be used for communicating to all staffs; retailers; and suppliers. The equipment to be used for the kiosk would be cash register for recording sales transactions, deep fryer to be u sed for cooking all Cardava Turon products, freezer for all perishable raw ingredients. Also we will provide food warmer to store all the cooked products and to be used for display purposes, small cabinets are to be used for non-perishable goods. Preparation table is also considered necessary when making Cardava Turon products including also all the necessary cooking tools and gadgets to make the operation efficiently.6.6 Work FlowAll personnel who are working at the main office will be working eight hours weekdays depending on the volume of their work. Office hours would be from 8:00am until 5:00pm, but flexible working hours will do also. Sundays will be their day-off and through Saturdays the office hours would only be half-day which is from 8:00am to 12:00noon. As to the stall/kiosk the operations would be from Mondays through Sundays, operations will start at 7:00am until 9:00pm though business hours will just start at 8:00am until  8:00pm.There will be three shifts in a day: the opener from 7:00am-3:00pm, the mid-shift from 10:00am-7:00pm and the closer from 1:00pm-9:00pm. Initially stalls will be manned by only three people who include a stall supervisor and two sales associate. The stall supervisor will be in charge of the scheduling. He can decide on his own on who would be assigned in the shifts, preferably the mid-shift will be the stall sup. So that he/she can monitor well the operations of their stall. As our business grows we intend to hire additional sales associate to make our operations even more efficient.6.7 Production RisksPreventive measures are to be implemented to lessen or decrease the possibility of being hurt and injured in the production of all Cardava Turon products. We will make sure that all employees especially the sales associate are properly trained with regard on the production or cooking of Cardava Turon. First aid kit will be provided to all Cardava Turon kiosks. Stall Supervisor will be responsible for checking all the ne cessary machines and equipments if they are working properly and effectively. Before and after the business operations, checklist will be provided to be accomplished by whoever was assigned to check the quality and performance of all goods, materials and equipments. This is to prevent unnecessary problems to occur.6.8 SuppliersBy the supervision of Nikki, all issues regarding suppliers of all the stalls/kiosk for Cardava Turon will be properly monitored. This includes checking the quality of all raw materials/goods. Delivery schedules will be monitored, as well as all the necessary issues concerning supplier relations and logistics.6.9 Inventory ManagementIn order for the inventory to be more accurate, there will be two types of inventory to be done. The first one is to be accomplished by all stall supervisors for each kiosk which is to be done daily. And the second type of inventory, the monthly inventory to be supervised by Kresta and Jeiel, which they will evaluate and check the accuracy of all the daily inventories. The  company will provide standard inventory checklist to be used by all Cardava Turon stalls/kiosks.6.10 Quality ControlEach store will offer nothing but freshly and quality Cardava Turon products. Standard procedure for preparation and cooking of the product will be well developed by our R&D team Aldrian and Mark. Arthur will be responsible for the high quality raw goods that are to be used. Camille will monitor all retailers’ compliance of Cardava Turon quality standards.

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