Saturday, October 19, 2019

His of Islamic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

His of Islamic - Essay Example Europeans did not manage to introduce Christianity in Islamic world since Islam as a religion had taken root and it was not easy to replace it with another religion. In the three gunpowder empires, the Europeans managed to create a relationship, which helped them to practice trade. Yes, they were able to resist the western cultural, political, and economic domination because they had established their single culture and political class, which united them. ii. How did the patterns of trade in the Islamic world change between 1400 and 1700? Why? What were the consequences of the change in trade for the five groups of Islamic societies that we have discussed? There was emergence of new trading partners where commodities from Islamic world were sold in European markets in exchange European goods were sold in Islamic world. For instance, gunpowder produced in Islamic world sold in Spain and Britain. In turn, the trading patterns led to new global economy whereby other countries such as the Americas became involved in trade, which improved transport, and communication systems in countries involved in trade since goods were to be transported to market either by road or by sea. iii. Compare and contrast the societies in each of the following Islamic groupings: The North Africa, The Middle East/Europe, South Asia (including India), Central Asia, and the Indian Ocean Basin. How were their political, social, economic, religious, and cultural institutions organized? How did these societies differ from each other? Islamic grouping of North Africa are mainly Sufi or Sunni. However, Islam in North Africa is dynamic since it has been influenced by prevalent political, economic, and social conditions. Despite this, Islamic societies in North Africa conform to the belief system and cultural contexts of the continent’s own teachings. The Middle East or Europe

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